+ 44 1256 830099
Air wash / Tertiary: This is the control just above the door. When slid to the right, air is flowing in and slid to the left air is
restricted. This control manages the air flowing over the glass and helps to keep it clean and clear of smoke stains. To begin with this
will need to be left open. When the fire has become established and hot, this can slowly be closed. When the Defra stop is in place, this
will not fully close. In many cases to prevent the glass from going black a small gap will be required.
Secondary Air: This is the control under the fire. When pulled towards you, this vent is opened and when pushed away this
vent is closed. This controls the air flowing through the series of holes at the back of the fire and will be the main control used. To begin
with this will need to be left fully open. When the fire is hot and established this can slowly be closed off and adjusted accordingly when
When you light the fire, you will want the vents fully open and in most cases the door ajar slightly. However, this will depend on how
well the chimney is drawing. When the fire is established to some degree the door can be closed and the Air wash / tertiary vent slowly
closed off. You can then further control the fire with the secondary air control, slowly closing it down. If you close the vent down too
early before the fire is established, it could go out and/or increase smoke output. When the stove is burning hot and is well established
you can turn the fire right down. If done at the right time and with the right fuel, it will die right back and gently burn away for a long
time. ( If the Defra stops are in place, the fire will not close down as much. The key aim of a Defra stove is to reduce smoke output.
Generally speaking, a stove that fully closes off will produce more smoke. )
When you come to refuel, if there is insufficient burning material in the fire bed to light a new fuel charge, excessive smoke emission can
occur. Refueling must be carried out onto a sufficient quantity of glowing embers and ash that the new fuel charge will ignite in a
reasonable period. If there are too few embers in the fire bed, add suitable kindling to prevent excessive smoke.
Dampers left open
Operation with the air control or appliance dampers open can cause excess smoke. The appliance must not be operated with air
controls, appliance dampers or door left open except as directed in the instructions.
Operation with door left open
Operation with the door open can cause excess smoke. The appliance must not be operated with the appliance door left open except as
directed in the instructions.
If you find the glass or fire bricks are going black even when the fire is established, it is most likely caused by burning wet wood.
When burning dry wood, the fire bricks and glass should remain largely clean.