Dendrometer Data Logger DL18 BLE
Post-hoc data conversion:
Another option is to measure and store raw values in Volts on the logger and perform the
conversion after data download to the computer.
This option is also required, if the relationship between raw voltage output of the connect-
ed sensor and the measured parameter is not linear (e.g. LAT & T temperature sensor se-
ries). Raw dendrometer data from the logger has the unit Volt and can be converted to
micrometer values by using the following formulas:
Dendrometer types DR1, DR3, DR3W, DD-L1, DD-L1W, DD-S1, DD-S2, DD-S2W, DD-
RO, DR1W, DC1, DV, DF1
Micrometer = raw data (V) x 4400
Dendrometer type DC3, DD-L2, DR2, DF2
Micrometer = raw data (V) x 10160
Dendrometer type DC4, DD-L3, DF3
Micrometer = raw data (V) x 20320
For Dendrometer type DF4
Micrometer = raw data (V) x 60000
For other sensor types, e.g. leaf temperature (LAT-B2), surface, tissue or soil temperature
(T-Surface/-Tissue/-Soil), air temperature/humidity (T/RH-Sens) or soil moisture, raw sen-
sor signal will also be recorded in volts. Due to the complex conversion functions of these
sensor types, raw sensor values have to be converted manually after data download to
your personal computer. For conversion, please use the conversion functions as given in
the user
’s manual of the respective sensor (Excel programs for data conversion are avail-
able on request).
5) Download, view and export data
Fig. 9: Download data from Logger and export data to file