Instructions for Temperature Controller
EcoForce Eliminator and EcoForce Pro series heaters come with a state of the art digital temperature
controller(s) built into the unit. Each controller is preset to 132ºF. There is no need to adjust the controller
to operate your heater unless you want to change the temperature settings above or below 132ºF.
To change the high temperature setting push the set button on the thermostat and use the arrows to adjust
temperature up or down. Push the set button again when finished.
Best Practices for Heating Rooms
Heat rises. Always try to seal the room(s) from escaping heat. Especially HVAC vents, bathroom exhaust fans,
bottoms of doors, wall air-conditioners, etc... Cover window pane with reflective material, blankets or
equivalent to minimize loss of energy from cold windows.
Remove heat sensitive items such as but not limited to: Candles, crayons, and other waxy or meltable items, soft
plastic or vinyl items (example: window blinds, vinyl records), all aerosols, lighters, fire extinguishers,
medications, photographs in open areas, fresh fruits and vegetables, carbonated beverages, wines, liquors, etc…