ESI Outdoor Unit Installation Instruction
Manufacturer reserves the right to change at any time for specifications or designs without notice and incurring obligations.
9. Service Valves
Leak check and evacuation must be completed before opening the service valves.
The Suction Service valve must be opened BEFORE opening the Liquid Service Valve!
1. Remove service valve cap.
2. Fully insert hex wrench into the stem and back out counterclockwise until valve stem just touches the
rolled edge (approximately five turns.)
3. Replace and tighten the valve stem cap to prevent leaks. Additional 1/6 turn may be required.
Repeat 1 to 3 for Liquid Service Valve.
Figure 9-1 Open the service valves
Service Port
Rolled edge to captivate stem
3/16” Hex Wrench for Liquid Service Valve
5/16” Hex Wrench for Suction Service Valve
Extreme caution should be exercised when opening
the Liquid Service Valve. Turn counterclockwise until
the valve stem just touches the rolled edge. No torque
is required.
Failure to follow this will result in abrupt release of
system charge and may lead to personal injury and
/or property damage.