Accelerating the path to discovery
Operating Manual
Rotary evaporators (rotovaps) are ubiquitous devices in chemistry labs and industries performing chemistry,
including labs in the chemical, pharmaceutical, environmental, materials, life science, and cannabis industries.
Rotovaps consist of a heating fluid bath, rotating motor, evaporating flask, condenser, collection flask, and
vacuum source. Traditional rotovap condensers require external sources of cooling materials such as dry ice,
liquid nitrogen, water or glycol. Glycol requires additional recirculating chiller equipment, which are often bulky,
heavy, and inefficient. The traditional rotovap for decades have also been characterized with inefficient vapor
condensing, operational cost, unreliability, high energy consumption and material waste.
Using a proprietary and innovative self-cooling technology, Ecodyst has revolutionized the rotovap to be more
efficient, to have a smaller footprint, to have greater output, and to be less costly to operate as compared with
traditional rotovaps. This disruptive technology has set new standards worldwide for rotary evaporators.
Ecodyst’s green condenser technology does not require an external source of cooling materials, eliminating
the major sources of material waste associated with rotovaps. Ecodyst’s devices are equipped with intelligent
self-cooling condenser technology that is extremely efficient at condensing vapors. This technology is
environmentally friendly, energy efficient, reliable and sustainable. Additionally, the condenser achieves
rapid cool down (reaches -40oC in 60 seconds) and is always-available, which eliminates downtime, increases
productivity, and saves time and money.
This operating manual provides the technical and operational details for the Ecodyst’s
Product line.
• Please read this manual carefully and obey all safety and warning notices.
• Ensure that every operator reads this manual.
• Ensure that this manual is accessible for every operator.
• Pass on the operating manual to the subsequent owner.
• In addition, please observe the regional regulations
About this Manual