Main water line as shown in the diagram, taking careful note of
the flow direction.
6. Use the quick fit ends to connect the blue 1/4” line
7. Now connect the hose to the Filter Tap to the units as follows:
a. Connect the 1/4” pipe from the tap to the chiller outlet port.
b. Connect the 1/4” pipe from the filter outlet to the chiller inlet.
c. Connect the 1/4” pipe from the filter inlet to the 350 kPa PLV.
d. Connect to the mains water supply using Plumber’s Mate
fitting provided.
8. Open tap until water is flowing from the spout. Once the water
is flowing freely out of the tap plug in the unit to a standard 3 Pin
10 Amp Power Socket and switch on the power. Allow 20 minutes
for the initial chill cycle before using.
9. Check for leaks at all connections.