EKO INSTRUMENTS CO., LTD. 4-20mA Signal Converter MC-11 Instruction Manual V1
Pg. 13
6-4. Operating
Select the transmitter type and the USB controller will automatically detect the transmitter within 5s. When the
transmitter can’t be found, go to Tools/Search and connect and re-connect the transmitter again. The serial port
settings of the USB controller can verified at Tools/Serial Port Configuration.
The Software has several functions explained in the next paragraph. It gives a number of standard functions to
open / save settings or make a report of the setting applied.
Change settings
1. Select Sensor type
2. Set sensitivity (Sensor calibration written on the serial number label or calibration certificate)
3. Set Irradiance / mA output range
4. Write device.
Note: when changes are made, write new settings to device. When the setting file is uploaded, the settings will
remain, even when the power is switched of.
5. Sensor output can be tested through the Read function (mV, Irradiance W/m
, temperature (Only when a
temperature sensor (NTC 10k
) is connected)).
Setting files can be saved (Save) or printed (Report).