Both battery switches must be ON in order for the Electrical Power contactor to
close, allowing external power to the aircraft.
3. Door ……………………………………………CLOSED, VERIFY FLAGS GREEN
4. Seat Belts, Shoulder Harnesses, Headrests………FASTEN / ADJUST
Adjust headrest so that the oxygen mask holder is situated higher than the pilot’s
shoulder. This will allow expeditious donning of the mask (less than 5 seconds) in
an emergency.
5. Seat Rail Stop Assembly
6. Oxygen Control…………………………………….. PULL ON
When pulling the oxygen control knob out, there should be an audible rush of air.
7. Crew Mask……………………………………………CHECK, SELECT 100%
The crew oxygen mask should be checked for proper operation (harness inflation,
breathing capability, and microphone operation). To check, remove mask from the
stowage cup, inspect the face cone for rips/tears, inflate the harness, feel and
listen for leaks, don the mask. Move the MASK HEADSET switch to MASK and
activate the right side speaker via the AUDIO synoptic page or keyboard. You
should hear your voice from the right speaker. Note that aircraft power must be on
to accomplish this check. To check the right pilot’s mask (if installed) repeat this
procedure except select the left speaker to check for proper audio. Remove the
mask and fold properly ensuring 100% setting selection before stowing. NOTE: If
battery power only, the right pilot’s mask cannot be tested at this point; test prior to
“Before Taxi” checklist. A through-flight check of the mask does not require
removal of the mask from the cup. Ensure a proper connection of the microphone
cable and oxygen hose under the armrest, check for a green in-line indicator, and
test the mask by momentarily selecting the “Emergency” setting on the mask
regulator ensuring oxygen flow to the mask and returning the switch back to the
100% setting.
8. Flight Controls………………………………………………..CHECK
Move sidestick full forward, full left, full aft, full right, then full forward again,
verifying complete freedom of movement of flight controls.
9. MASK HEADSET Switch(es)………………………………...HEADSET
Ensure MASK HEADSET switches are selected to the HEADSET position.
10. COM System Select………………………………………….L PFD
Verify left com select switch set to the left PFD position and right com select switch
(if installed) set to the right PFD position.
During normal operations (both PFDs functioning) the com select switched(s) should
be set to their respective PFD. Improper selection during normal operations can cause
confusion regarding active frequency assignment.