Using the Web UI
H64159 Revision A
Device MSN Setting - 64 kbps Data Devices
64 kbps Clear Data UDI (Unrestricted Digital
By default, MSN 3 is used for UDI calls. UDI
is a 64 Kbps service that is a European standard ISDN.
64 kbps Restricted Data RDI (Restricted Digital
By default, MSN 3 is used for RDI calls. RDI
is a 56 Kbps service found in the USA.
Once all changes have been made, click on “Apply”.
You can use different MSNs for any of the ISDN call types
above, but your ISDN equipment must be programmed with the
same MSN to accept incoming calls, and you must use different
numbers for speech, audio and UDI/RDI calls.
You can configure three separate security settings on this page:
1) SIM PIN, 2) Phone to SIM PIN, and 3) Administration
– this is a four digit field that can be Enabled and
configured by the user to secure the terminal against unwanted
use. Once enabled, the terminal will require the SIM PIN at