This guide covers all models of MOS-21 sensor.
The MOS-21 product family includes:
MOS-21UA Motion Sensor with 902 MHz radio with short range lens
MOS-21UB Motion Sensor with 902 MHz radio with large range lens
MOS-21UC Motion Sensor with 902 MHz radio with high bay lens
MOS-21CA Motion Sensor with 315 MHz radio with short range lens
MOS-21CB Motion Sensor with 315 MHz radio with large range lens
MOS-21CC Motion Sensor with 315 MHz radio with high bay lens
MOS-21YA Motion Sensor with 868 MHz radio with short range lens
MOS-21YB Motion Sensor with 868 MHz radio with large range lens
MOS-21YC Motion Sensor with 868 MHz radio with high bay lens
The package includes the occupancy sensor and installation guide.
MOS-21 Sensor Description
The 21 series MOS sensor (also referred to as the sensor in this guide) is a
wireless, energy harvesting, ceiling mount, passive infared (PIR) occupancy
sensor. Used for indoor applications, the detector is optimized for ceiling heights
of 8 - 10 feet (2.4 - 3m).
Wireless Motion Sensor for Occupancy / Vacancy Detection
with integrated diagnostic tools
The MOS is a solar powered device that absorbs solar energy storing it
for use during low light periods. Before assigning the MOS device to a receiver/
controller, the device should be exposed to a good light source for a minimum of
5 minutes or install the start assist battery.