Initial Adjustment
1. With engine off, turn HI speed screw (C) counterclockwise to stop.
2. Turn LO speed screw (B) midway between stops.
3. Turn idle screw (A) until tip of screw just touches throttle plate; then
turn three (3) turns clockwise.
Final Adjustment
Limiter caps prevent exceeding C.A.R.B. and E.P.A. emission limits
and over-rich adjustment, but not over lean adjustment, which can
cause engine failure: Do not exceed recommended HI speed engine
R.P.M. during operation, or for long periods during adjustment.
1. Start engine, run at idle for one minute.
2. Complete warm-up by running at full throttle for 5 minutes, operating
choke twice to clear air from carburetor chambers.
3. Run at idle and accelerate to check for smooth transition from idle to
high speed; if engine hesitates, turn LO speed screw (B) counter-
clockwise 1/8th of a turn at a time until acceleration is smooth.
4. Use a tachometer to adjust idle speed to specifications found on
page 23.