background image









60 - 70 - 80 - 90 °C




1. Lid
2. Temperature 


3.  Temperature control button
4. ON/OFF 


5. Base
6.  Water level indicator
7.  Nozzle with removable fi lter



Always use cold water when fi lling the kettle.


The water level must be between the minimum and maximum levels. Risk of water splashing out when 
the kettle is overfi lled.


Always switch the kettle off  before removing it from the base.


Always make sure the lid is well closed.


The base and kettle body should not be wet.


Only use the kettle in combination with its original base.


We recommend boiling clean water twice before using the appliance for the fi rst time.

Fill the kettle with water. Do not overfi ll the kettle, watch the water level indicator. Once you have fi lled 
the kettle, do not forget to close the kettle lid to ensure the automatic switch-off  mechanism functions 


Once the water begins to boil, the kettle automatically switches off .


Do not open the lid when pouring water from the kettle.


Unplug the cord from the outlet when you are fi nished using the appliance.


The kettle is equipped with an automatic safety circuit, which protects the appliance against overheating. 
The circuit is activated when the kettle, containing an insuffi

  cient amount of water, is switched on. If the 

automatic safety circuit was activated, switch the kettle off , unplug the appliance from the power supply 
and allow it to cool down for 5 to 10 minutes. You can then refi ll the kettle with water and use the appliance 
as you normally would.

Basic use

1.  Place the base on a dry and fl at surface and plug the power cord into the outlet. Place the kettle on its base.
2. Press   shortly, you will hear a sound and the heating process will start. The default temperature is set to 

100 °C and the indicator is red.

3.  Once the water is heated, the kettle will be switched off , the indicator will be turned off  and you will hear 

a sound.

4.  Unplug the cord from the outlet when you are fi nished using the appliance.

Advanced functions

1. Press   for 3 seconds, you will hear a sound and the water heating process will start, the LED indicator will 

fl ash red. Once the water boils (100 °C) the kettle will maintain the water temperature for a 2 hour period 
and the indicator will fl ash. During these two hours, the heating process will activate when the water 
temperature drops below 85 °C.

Содержание RK 1785 KE colore

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Страница 20: ... to touch hot surfaces or lead the cord over sharp edges 7 Only use original accessories 8 Do not leave the kettle running unattended 9 Close supervision is necessary for operating the kettle near children Never allow children to use the appliance alone to protect them against the risk of electric shock Keep the appliance out of reach of children Do not let the cord hang over the edge of the table...

Страница 21: ...e appliance The kettle is equipped with an automatic safety circuit which protects the appliance against overheating The circuit is activated when the kettle containing an insufficient amount of water is switched on If the automatic safety circuit was activated switch the kettle off unplug the appliance from the power supply and allow it to cool down for 5 to 10 minutes You can then refill the ket...

Страница 22: ...sive agents which could damage the surface to clean the device Remove the scale filter and rinse with clean water Remove scale build up on a regular basis To do so use available materials designated for descaling kitchen appliances TECHNICAL DATA Capacity 1 7 l Nominal voltage 220 240 V 50 60 Hz Nominal input power 1850 2200 W USE AND DISPOSAL OF WASTE Wrapping paper and corrugated paperboard deli...

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Страница 24: ... s user s manual GVS cz 2014 Výhradní zastoupení pro ČR K B Progres a s tel 420 272 122 111 U Expertu 91 e mail ECG kbexpert cz 250 69 Klíčany zelená linka 800 121 120 CZ Distribútor pre SR K B Elektro Media k s Mlynské Nivy 73 tel 421 232 113 410 821 05 Bratislava e mail ECG kbexpert cz SK Wyłączny przedstawiciel na PL K B Progres a s U Expertu 91 250 69 Klíčany Czech Rep e mail ECG kbexpert cz P...
