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Freezing fresh foods


Make sure that the freezing procedure is carried out in the strictest hygienic conditions, since the freezing 
alone does not sterilize the food.


Do not place hot or warm foods in the freezer.


Do not place fresh food side by side with frozen food, it could lead to partial thawing of already frozen 


When freezing fresh food (meat, fi sh, minced meat), it is recommended to divide the foods into individual 
portions and freeze them separately.


Before storing food in the freezer, wrap it in plastic bags, aluminium foil or freezer bowls.


The maximum freezing capacity in kg in 24 hours at room temperature 25 °C is specifi ed in the section 
„Technical specifi cations“ at the end of this manual. Never freeze more than the maximum allowable 
quantity of food.


For optimal performance of the appliance and to achieve maximum freezing performance, set the 
thermostat control to the maximum 24 hours before placing fresh food inside.


24 hours with thermostat at maximum is usually suffi

  cient time after placing fresh foods in the freezer. 

Afterwards return the thermostat setting to the required operating position.


  Never place beverages or foods in preserving jars in the freezer. For ensuring optimum performance, 

keep in the freezer enough space to allow air fl ow around individual packages.


Cleaning the freezer


Before cleaning the freezer, unplug the power cord from the outlet.


Do not clean the freezer with running water. Use a sponge or cloth dipped in a mild solution of warm water 
and detergent. Do not use aggressive or abrasive cleaners.


Use dry cloth to clean the thermostat and the electrical components.


Wipe all surfaces carefully and dry them thoroughly.


Do not use on plastic and rubber parts cleaning waxes, concentrated detergents, bleach or cleaners 
containing kerosene.


Do not use for cleaning plastic parts paper cleaning wipes, window cleaners, scouring powders or 
fl ammable liquids that could scratch or otherwise damage the surface fi nish.


Wash the accessories of the freezer separately in mild detergent solution. Do not wash in the dishwasher.


The freezer requires maximum defrosting.

Unplug the freezer from the power supply and move all the foods to a  cool place. The best time for 
defrosting is when the freezer is almost empty. The defrosting should be quick so that the temperature of 
the foods would not rise.


Open the drain and discharge openings (and place water containers under the drain holes).


Do not use metal or sharp objects or mechanical and other devices to speed up the defrosting process. 
When the ices soften, you can use a plastic ice scraper.


The increase in temperature of frozen foods during defrosting of the freezer shortens their storage life.


After defrosting wash and wipe dry the freezer with a sponge or dry tea towel.


Plug the appliance in the power supply and before you place in the foods let it run 2 to 3 hours at maximum.


Before placing the foods back in the freezer check them carefully. You have to consume the partially 
defrosted foods within 24 hours or you have to cook them and freeze them again.

Power outage

In case of power failure the foods will stay frozen in the freezer for a number of hours. In case of power failure 
limit opening the door to a minimum and do not put in fresh (unfrozen) foods.

Содержание EFP 12000 WA++

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Страница 10: ...CZ 10 EFP 12000 WA 172 42dB 200L L A B C D A A A kWh annum 2010 1060 A ...

Страница 11: ...smie dotýkať horúcich častí ani viesť cez ostré hrany 6 Spotrebič nezapínajte a nevypínajte zasunutím alebo vytiahnutím vidlice napájacieho prívodu Vidlicu nevyťahujte zo zásuvky ťahaním za kábel Kábel odpojte od zásuvky uchopením za vidlicu 7 Nikdy nič nezasúvajte do otvorov prístroja na prístroj neklaďte žiadne predmety napr vázy hrnčeky a pod Vetracie otvory nikdy nezakrývajte 8 V spotrebiči ne...

Страница 12: ...A MRAZNIČKY Vybalenie mrazničky Pri preprave spotrebič nenakláňajte o viac než 45 a dajte pozor aby nedošlo k otvoreniu dvierok Pred použitím odstráňte z mrazničky všetok obalový materiál ochranné fólie pásky a štítky okrem výkonového štítku Zvyšky pásky alebo lepidla ľahko odstránite pomocou hubky a malého množstva saponátu Potom očistite teplou vodou a osušte Nepoužívajte žiadne ostré predmety l...

Страница 13: ...hodnotu POKYNY NA POUŽÍVANIE Ovládací panel s termostatom Po zapojení mrazničky do elektrickej siete sa rozsvieti kontrolka Power Napájanie Keď je v chode kompresor mrazničky bude svietiť kontrolka Run Kontrolka Alarm sa rozsvieti v prípade príliš vysokej teploty vnútri mrazničky Teplota vnútri mrazničky sa nastavuje pomocou ovládača termostatu Čísla 1 2 3 4 5 a 6 neznamenajú konkrétnu teplotu ale...

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Страница 16: ...nergetická trieda A Spotreba energie deň 0 47 kWh 24 h Spotreba energie rok 172 kWh rok Celkový vnútorný objem 200 l Úžitkový objem mraziacej časti 200 l Hlučnosť 42 dB A Chladiace médium R600a Hmotnosť chladiaceho média 53 g Kompresor 1 ks Termostat 1 ks Ovládanie teploty manuálne Rozmrazovanie manuálne Trieda mrazenia Farba biela Možnosť vstavania nie Hladký dizajn zadnej steny áno Počet dverí 1...

Страница 17: ... vplyvom na ľudské zdravie a životné prostredie Recyklácia materiálov prispieva k ochrane prírodných zdrojov Viac informácií o recyklácii tohto produktu vám poskytne obecný úrad organizácia na spracovanie domového odpadu alebo predajné miesto kde ste produkt kúpili Tento výrobok spĺňa požiadavky smerníc EÚ o elektromagnetickej kompatibilite a elektrickej bezpečnosti Návod na obsluhu je k dispozíci...

Страница 18: ...SK 18 EFP 12000 WA 172 42dB 200L L A B C D A A A kWh annum 2010 1060 A ...

Страница 19: ... any objects on the device e g vases cups etc Never cover the ventilation openings 8 Do not use in the appliance other electrical devices and refrigeration equipment 9 If this appliance is replacing an old product equipped with a lock destroy the lock of the old appliance so that children would not lock themselves in e g during a play 10 Do not use mechanical devices or other unnatural means to sp...

Страница 20: ...rm water and dry it Do not use any sharp objects alcohol flammable or abrasive cleaners which could damage the surface finish of the appliance Location and space requirements Place the freezer in a well ventilated location on a level and firm floor Place the freezer so that it is not exposed to direct sunlight and heat sources Do not place the freezer in humid and wet areas to prevent corrosion an...

Страница 21: ...necting the freezer to the power supply the indicator Power Power lights up When the compressor of the freezer is running the indicator Run is on The indicator Alarm lights up if the temperature inside the freezer is too high The temperature inside the freezer is set with thermostat control Numbers 1 2 3 4 5 and 6 do not mean a particular temperature but indicate the freezing power degree The high...

Страница 22: ... aggressive or abrasive cleaners Use dry cloth to clean the thermostat and the electrical components Wipe all surfaces carefully and dry them thoroughly Do not use on plastic and rubber parts cleaning waxes concentrated detergents bleach or cleaners containing kerosene Do not use for cleaning plastic parts paper cleaning wipes window cleaners scouring powders or flammable liquids that could scratc...

Страница 23: ... interior of the freezer The compressor runs too long It is usual that in the summer month with high ambient temperatures the compressor runs for longer time Do not place in the freezer a great quantity of fresh foods at once Place in the freezer only cold foods Opening the door too frequently Strong layer of ice The light in the freezer does not work Check if the main switch is on Check the light...

Страница 24: ...N SN Energy class A Energy consumption day 0 47 kWh 24 h Energy consumption annual 172 kWh year Total internal volume 200 l Net volume of the freezer compartment 200 l Noise level 42 dB A Coolant R600a Weight of the cooling medium 45 g Compressor 1 pcs Thermostat 1 pcs Temperature control manual Defrosting manual Freezing class Colour white Building in option no Smooth back wall design yes Number ...

Страница 25: ...properly recycling your product Recycling contributes to preserving natural resources For more information on the recycling of this product refer to your local authority domestic waste processing organization or store where you purchased the product This product complies with EU directive requirements on electromagnetic compatibility and electrical safety The instruction manual is available at web...

Страница 26: ...GB 26 EFP 12000 WA 172 42dB 200L L A B C D A A A kWh annum 2010 1060 A ...

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Страница 28: ...u The importer takes no responsibility for printing errors contained in the product s user s manual GVS cz 2016 www ecg electro eu CZ K B Progres a s U Expertu 91 tel 420 272 122 111 250 69 Klíčany e mail ECG kbexpert cz SK Distribútor pre SR K B Elektro Media k s Mlynské Nivy 73 tel 421 232 113 410 821 05 Bratislava e mail ECG kbexpert cz ...
