Weekly Timer
This smart system will automatically set its local time, date and
daylight savings
changes as soon
as it is powered up. The weekly timer can be set to turn ON and OFF the internal relay on certain
days and at certain time intervals. For example; to turn ON the relay at 7:00AM and turn it OFF at
17:00PM on each Monday and Saturday.
How to set the weekly timer
The following SMS message is an example of how to set the weekly timer
Send SMS:
“WT” : setting the weekly timer
: to turn ON the relay between 9:00AM to 17:00PM.
: days of the week; Sundays Mondays & Saturdays.
The day of the week can be 1~7 (1=Sunday, 2=Monday …..Friday = 6, 7=Saturday)
The unit will confirm by SMS that says:
“Confirming: Weekly Timer ON: Sunday, Monday, Saturday between 9:00AM and 17:00PM”
Please Note !
When the unit’s relay is ON (active) by the weekly timer, the unit will not respond to incoming calls
and will not trigger the relay for any user. Instead, the unit will send the following SMS message to
the user that made the call:
"Your call was disregarded as the TIMER is ON at the moment"
How to get the weekly timer settings report:
You can get the weekly timer’s current settings and events by sending the following SMS
Send SMS:
The unit will reply by SMS with all the time schedules in the system as in the example below:
“No events are recorded for the Weekly Timer”
Or for example:
“The Weekly Timer is ON: Sunday, Monday, Saturday, between 9:00AM and 17:00PM”
How to clear the settings of Weekly Timer:
Send SMS:
The unit will delete the current settings of the weekly timer and reply by SMS message as follows:
The Weekly Timer setting was deleted”