Nova Flair GmbH & Co. KG, Operating Instructions with EU Declaration of Conformity Dust Extraction Unit Taifun II Premium GreenTech
A 2.7 UVV regulations
The individual Berufsgenossen-
schaften only issue accident pre-
vention regulations (UVV) relevant
to their area. The collection of in-
dividual accident prevention regulations pu-
blished by the Federation of Institutions for
Statutory Accident Insurance and Prevention
(Hauptverband der gewerblichen Berufsgenos-
senschaften) includes all of the currently valid
accident prevention regulations (UVV) issued
by the industrial Berufsgenossenschaften.
Most important accident prevention regula-
Electrical installations and equipment
Safety and health protection labelling at the workplace
Principles for the testing and certification of dust re
moving machines and devices (SBM)
Principles for testing filters for use in dust removing
VDI 3801
Operation of ventilation and air-conditioning systems
VDI 3803
Ventilation systems; constructional and technical re-
VDI 6022
Hygienic requirements for ventilation and air-conditi-
oning systems
Noise & Vibration Occupational Health & Safety Or-
A 2.8 Notes on the transport of the unit
To prevent foreign bodies from getting into the
unit, the filters should be inserted and the filter
openings closed. Also, when transporting the
unit, use suitable cardboard packaging to pre-
vent foreign bodies from getting into the nail dust
collector, the filters or the motors from above.
Before reassembling the unit, make
sure that there are no foreign bodies in
the unit itself or in the filters or motors.
For reinstallation, the installation instructions
prescribed on the following page 8 apply.
A 2.9 Notes on storage of the unit
The unit must always be stored in a dry and
dust-free environment. Suitable cardboard
packaging should also be used for this purpo-
If the system becomes dirty during storage, it
must be cleaned thoroughly before installation
and commissioning. This should be done after
instruction by a specialist or an instructed per-
A 2.10 Information on decommissioning,
dismantling and disposal
When taking individual system compo-
nents out of operation, the respective
manufacturer‘s operating instructions
for the components must be consul-
ted. If individual system components are remo-
ved from the network and the system as a who-
le continues to be operated, attention must
be paid to securing possible danger points.
If this impairs the safety level of the system in
individual areas or as a whole, the manufactu-
rer‘s CE declaration of conformity is invalid. The
responsibility for this lies with the operator.
When dismantling larger plant parts and as-
semblies, a hazard analysis must be carried out
to determine whether any risks arise for em-
ployees as a result or in the process. A work
plan must specify the work to be carried out in
terms of sequence and safe working.
Nova Flair is a registered trademark of the electronic
register of old appliances (ear).
Our registration number with the Foundation
for Waste Electrical Equipment Register:
WEEE-Reg.-Nr. DE 22364359
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