Test Procedure to Evaluate Fluids in Piston Pumps Technical Data V-PUPI-TS022-E March 2009
Final Fluid Testing
Fluid Pass/Fail Criteria
Measure the following on the
test fluid after completion of
testing. Record the results on
the Test Fluid Record (page 13).
• Viscosity cSt @ 40°C
• Water content wt % (0.03%
max. non-water based fluid)
• Cleanliness level ISO Code
18/16/14 or better
• Spectrographic analysis for at
least the following elements
(ppm): P, Zn, Ca, K, Ba, B, Si,
Fe, Cu, Pb, Sn
• Total Acid Number (TAN)
mg/KOH (Report only for
vegetable and synthetic
environmentally acceptable
hydraulic fluids, and poly-
olester fire resistant hydraulic
The following are the criteria by
which the fluid is judged to have
passed or failed the test:
• The overall efficiency of the
pump is equal to or greater
than 85%.
• The volumetric efficiency of
the pump is not degraded by
more than 5% at the end of
the 200-hour cyclic test.
• The control pressure hystere-
sis is less than or equal to 45
bar (652.5 psi) at the end of
the 200-hour cyclic test.
Figue 7