Service & Maintenance
To check the oil level with the sight glass (Heavy-Duty
Models Only)
Vehicle engine must be stopped and parked on level ground.
Wipe dirt from the oil level sight glass.
Proper oil level is obtained when the oil level is at the middle of the
clear plastic bubble. If the oil level is below this level, add at the fill
plug the necessary amount of oil.
If the transmission operating angle is more than 12°, improper lubrication can
occur. The operating angle is the transmission mounting angle in the chassis
plus the grade (expressed in degrees).
Any time the transmission operating angle of 12° is exceeded for an extended
period of time, the transmission must be equipped with an oil pump or cooler
kit to insure proper lubrication.
Lube Change Intervals
Lubricant changes should be based on a combination of the intervals shown
in TCMT0021 Lubrication Specification Manual, and user judgement based on
the application and operating environment. Extending drain intervals beyond
those shown in the tables is not recommended and will put warranties at risk.
Vocational service applications are those which require components to
be consistently operated at heavy loads, in contaminated environments
or on steep grades. For these applications, the Vocational Service sec-
tion should be used.