5. DNP3 Ethernet Communication Setup Configuration Utility
PXM 4/6/8K DNP3 Ethernet Communications User Manual
MN150005EN January 2017 www.eaton.com
5.3.2 DNP Data Link Layer
In this section, the User can set the parameters related to
the DNP Data Link layer that follows.
1. DNP Link Layer Confirmation
For this parameter, the User can select three options as
shown below.
The PXM meter shall never expect or wait for
a confirmation message from the DNP master
in response to the data link layer frame sent to
the master.
The PXM meter shall expect or wait for a con-
firmation message from the DNP master in
response to the data link layer frame sent to
the master in certain cases only.
If the data link frame contains events or related
data, then the PXM meter shall expect a data
link confirmation from the DNP master. If the
data link frame contains static information, then
the PXM meter shall not expect a data link con-
firmation from the DNP master.
Figure 10. Link Layer Confirmation Choices.
Choosing this option may add overhead at the
DNP master. Therefore, it needs to be selected
The PXM meter shall always expect or wait for
a confirmation message from the DNP master
in response to a data link layer frame sent to
the master.
2. Link Layer Retries
This parameter indicates how many times the PXM
meter shall attempt to retransmit the DNP link frame in
case of failure of DNP link layer confirmation from the
DNP master. Range of this parameter is from 0 to 15.
It is obvious that if the link layer confirmation parameter
is set to the option “Never”, then the link layer retires
parameter does not hold any significance since the
PXM meter shall never attempt retransmission of link