Instructional Leaflet
Effective January 2019
Instructions for secondary terminal blocks
Section 2: Installation and Removal of Fixed
Terminal Blocks
Many illustrations use the NF Frame circuit breaker for illustrative pur-
poses only. The RF Frame circuit breaker is handled in a similar fashion.
Proceed with the following eight steps.
Step 1:
Remove the four screws holding the front cover in
place (two on each side of the cover).
Figure 5. Step 1.
Step 2:
Remove the front cover. Pull down on the charging
handle to simplify removal.
Figure 6. Step 2.
Step 3:
Become familiar with the fixed terminal block mount-
ing plate where secondary connections are made.
Secondary connection points have numerical and descriptive laser-
etched identifications.
Figure 7. Step 3.
Step 4:
Plug the accessory connector plug into fixed second-
ary terminal block.
Figure 8. Step 4.
Step 5:
Identify correct mounting location on fixed terminal
block mounting plate for mounting fixed secondary terminal
block. First insert the bottom end of the fixed secondary ter-
minal block into the proper location on the mounting plate.
Figure 9. Step 5.
Step 6:
Rotate the top end of the terminal block in until it
engages the appropriate flexible mounting tab at the top of
the mounting plate with a clicking sound.
Fixed Secondary
Terminal Block
Flexible Mounting Tabs