Instruction Leaflet
Effective March 2011
Instructions for Testing Magnum DS
Digitrips with the MTK2000 Test Kit
EaTon CorporaTIon www.eaton.com
Do not attempt to install or perform maintenance on equip-
ment While it is energizeD. Death or severe personal injury
can result from contact With energizeD equipment. alWays
verify that no voltage is present before proceeDing With the
task anD alWays folloW generally accepteD safety pro-
ceDures. eaton is not liable for the mis-application or mis-
installation of its proDucts.
the user is cautioneD to observe all of the recommenDations,
Warnings anD cautions relating to the safety of personnel
anD equipment, as Well as all general anD local health anD
safety laWs, coDes anD proceDures. the recommenDations anD
information containeD herein are baseD on eaton’s experience
anD juDgement, but shoulD not be consiDereD to be all-inclu-
sive or covering every application or circumstance Which may
arise. if any questions arise, contact eaton for further infor-
mation or instructions.
Do not test the trip unit While the breaker is in the “connect-
eD” position. breaker must be rackeD to the “test” position, or
removeD from the sWitchgear cell.
Section 1: Introduction
1.1 General Information
The MTK200 Trip Unit Test is used to test and verify the pickup levels
and time delay settings of a breaker’s trip unit . Scheduled testing of
the circuit breaker’s trip unit will help to ensure proper operation of
the breaker and will lead to safer and more efficient performance .
520 Digitrip Units:
The MTK2000 Trip Unit Test it supports the 520
curves accept the short delay I
T and ground I
T .
1150 Digitrip Units:
The MTK 2000 Trip Unit Test Kit does not sup-
port the Long Delay I
T Short Delay Flat curve, or any of the IEC
curves or the IEEE curves .
Figure 1. MTK2000 Test Kit
Section 2: MTK2000 / Breaker Information
2.1 MTK2000 Controls
The following are the identifications and functions of the MTK2000
controls . Any time these are referred to in the following portions of
this publication they will be in
bold type
as shown in the following
— Turns
on and off to the MTK2000 .
Phase Select
— Permits checking of all phase input circuits on the
Magnum breaker .
Phase Select
can be pressed at any time prior to
performing a test . Since all feed into a common pickup and timing
circuit, it is only necessary to use one phase to test all the solid-
state circuitry functions . Current is applied through the selected
phase and returns to MTK2000 via the neutral element . It is only
necessary to use one circuit function (e .g ., Long Delay) to verify that
each phase (A, B and C) performs similarly . The
Phase Select
ton is also used as an accelerator when scrolling through numerical
entry fields and can be used to delete characters when entering the
breaker name .
Test Select
— Cycles the MTK2000 through the steps of testing,
including date input and the various tests . (See
Flowchart at back
of document
Test Select
both change menus, but when
is pushed it will cause action .
— When pressed, takes the MTK2000 back to the beginning
of the test sequence, it is also used to move to previous field when
entering text data . (See
Flowchart at back of document
) . Pressing
twice will take the MTK2000 back to the main screen .
Up Arrow
— Increments value .
Down Arrow
— Decrements value .
MDS Trip
Unit Cable
PACB Tester
with SD Card
ZSI Shorting
Power Supply
and Download