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Chapter 8: Setting Options and
Partitions Menus
About these menus
If you are using a part-setting system, the Installer menu contains a
Setting Options
which contains all the options to program entry, exit and alarm response for a single alarm
system with a full-set and three part-set levels.
If you are using a partitioned system, the Installer menu contains a
instead, which contains an option for each partition. Each partition behaves like a
complete, independent, alarm system. However, each partition has only full set and one
part set.
These two menus contain a similar set of options, but in a different order.
The default settings for these options are compliant with EN50131, see page 17.
Changes to some of the defaults may render the system non-compliant.
Full Set, Part Set and Partition options
Use this option to give the full set, part set, or partition a name. The control unit displays
this name to the user during setting.
Exit Mode
By default, a FOB-2W-4B Set button instant sets its assigned partition, regardless of
the exit mode chosen in the Installer menu. To program the FOB-2W-4B to follow the exit
mode programmed in the Installer menu, set the
System Options
– User access – 2W Set
option to NO (page 61).
Timed Set
Use this setting to make the system set after a delay. Use Exit Time (see page 51) to
specify the delay. The control unit logs the start of timed exit.
This option does not comply with BS8243:2010.
Final Door Set
Use this setting to complete the setting of the system by closing a door fitted with a
Final Exit zone detector. Once the door closes, the system sets after the Settle Time
expires. Note that the exit time does not expire in this option.
The control unit logs the start of final door exit.
To enable part setting, include a zone of type Final Exit as one of the part-set
zones. Also select Final Exit in Pt.set Final Exit (see page 55).
For partitioned systems, include a zone of type Final Exit in the partition.
Do not use a radio PIR as a
Final Exit. Radio PIRs have a “lock out” period after
each activation to conserve battery power. When you set (or part set) the system,