Page 10
External radio sirens/strobes
Radio siren/strobe units can communicate directly to control units that have built-in radio
communications, or to radio expanders.
The following external wired siren/strobe units are supported:
External radio sounder.
External radio siren/strobe unit.
Internal sounders
An internal sounder indicates alarms, entry tones, exit tones and other conditions. An
internal sounder is intended for use in areas that are out of audio range of keypads, but
where users need to hear system sounds.
The SND-RINT internal radio sounder is supported, which can communicate directly to
control units that have built-in radio communications, or to radio expanders.
Control units, expanders and remote power supplies have connections for a loudspeaker,
which you may want to use to increase the volume or location of setting and unsetting
tones. The loudspeaker must have an impedance of 16 Ohms. You must not connect two
loudspeakers in parallel to the same port
You can configure the system to store images from a network camera when an alarm
occurs. The following network cameras are supported:
Internal box camera wired/Wi-Fi.
External bullet camera wired/Wi-Fi.
A micro-SD card is required to store the camera images.
Remote power supplies
The EXP-PSU remote power supply is supported, which provides:
Extra power and more space for standby batteries in larger alarm systems.
Connections for either 10 FSL zones, five 4-wire CC zones, or 10 2-wire CC zones.
A loudspeaker output.
Four wired programmable outputs.
16 plug-by outputs.
The EXP-PSU connects to the system bus (see page 18), and communicates with the
control unit in the same way as a wired expander.
Remote controls
A remote control allows the system to be set or unset using a keyfob (similar to a device
for locking/unlocking a vehicle).
The following devices are supported:
Remote control.
2-Way remote control.