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Eaton’s Wiring  Devices

Home automation hub  

Figure 6: Home automation hub top-edge

(1)  LEDs - Illuminates solid blue when operating normally

Trouble shooting steps

When the Home automation hub is not functioning 

properly, use the LED table and troubleshooting 

steps below.

LED display Troubleshooting
Blinking red 

in 2 second 


The Home automation hub is not connected 

to your local network. 

•  The Eaton Home connection may take        

    up to 90 seconds. Wait the full 90  

    seconds before shutting off/rebooting the 

    Home automation hub. 

•  Ensure that there is internet in the home, 

    reset the router, and then shut down and 

    restart the Home automation hub. 

•  Ensure that the SSID is correct. Shut  

    down and restart the Home automation  

    hub, re-enter the SSID, and wait for  


Solid red

Eaton OS is not operational. 

•   Check the network connectivity. If there 

     is no connection, restart the network. If  

     there is connection, shut down and  

     restart the Home automation hub. 

Not lit

There is no power connected to the Home 

automation hub, or the Home automation 

hub is shut down. 

•   Check the power supplies are plugged in 

     and wired correctly.

To shut down the Home automation hub:

1.  Locate the recessed push button on the Home

     automation hub. See Figure 1, item 1. 

2.  Insert the paper clip (provided) pressing the button

     down and holding for 5 seconds. See Figure 7. 

3.  Remove the paper clip and observe the LED behavior.

     The Home automation hub’s LED indicators alternate

     red and blue signifying it has started shutting down. 

4.  After the Home automation hub shuts down, 

     disconnect the Home automation hub’s power 


5.  Reconnect the power supply and verify that the 

     Home automation hub restarts. Continue with 

     installation and setup. 

To reset the Home automation hub and enter AP 



1.  Locate the recessed push button on the Home 

  automation hub. See Figure 1, item 1. 

2.  Insert the paper clip (provided) pressing the button

  down and holding for 20 seconds. See Figure 7. 

3.  Remove the paper clip and observe the LED behavior. 

  The Home automation hub’s LED indicators alternate 

  red and blue signifying it has entered the reboot state. 

4.  Once the Home automation hub boots and the LED 

  flashes red in .5 second intervals, it is in AP mode.

  Continue with installation and setup. 

Understanding LED colors and the Home 

automation hub status

The Home automation hub has LED indicators that 

change colors based on the Home automation 

hub’s status. Once powered on, observe the Home 

automation hub’s LED status. Figure 6 identifies the 

LEDs on the Home automation hub.


The Eaton Home connection can take up to 90 

seconds. Wait the full 90 seconds before attempting 

to troubleshoot. 


•  When the LED flashes blue in 1 second intervals,  

     the device is booting normally. 

•  When the device is solid blue after booting up,  

  the device is functioning properly. 

•  When the LED flashes blue in .5 seconds 

  intervals, the HOMECT is unable to connect to

  the internet. 


•  Alternating: When the LED flashes red and blue

  in .5 second intervals, the Home automation hub

  is restarting in Access Point (AP) mode. 

•  Flashing in unison at .5 second intervals: The 

     Home automation hub is updating. 

Red/not lit

•  When the LED flashes red in .5 second intervals,

  the Home automation hub is in AP mode. 


 When the controller is in AP mode, it creates 

its own wireless network. 

•  When the LED is red or not lit, see the 

  trouble shooting steps.
