OperatiOnal manual
MN156001EN October 2015 www.eaton.com
Total Loade:
Total load current in amperes RMS.
Load Harmonicse:
Total load harmonic current in
amperes RMS.
Output Harmonicse:
Harmonic current output of the unit in
amperes RMS for harmonic mitigation.
Output Funde:
Output current at the fundamental frequency
for power factor correction and/or load balancing.
Total Outpute:
Total output current of the unit in
amperes RMS.
Total source current in amperes RMS.
Fundamental Currents
Reactive (PF)e:
Displays per phase average reactive current
of the load and output in amperes RMS.
Negative sequencee:
Negative sequence current of the load
and output in amperes RMS.
Fund current Reqe:
Fundamental current required per phase
to achieve set point.
Fund Current Oute:
Displays fundamental current produced
per phase.
Load Balancinge:
Indicates whether the Load Balancing
mode is ON or OFF.
PF Modee:
Indicates that the Power Factor correction mode
is ON or OFF.