ET1187 Operating Instructions E-EQCR-11001-E1 November 2018
Establishing Crimp Settings
(Same procedure utilized for both Core and Winner Product Groups)
Install FT1380-200-XXX Die Cage
per crimp die chart on the front of the
Step 1:
Reference the crimp specification chart
on the front of the crimp machine to
detemine proper crimp dies for hose
and fitting.
Step 2:
Rotate hose product selection collar un-
til desired product group is facing opera-
tor. Note: Collar has detents at each
position to help ensure proper alignment
with corresponding product groups.
Crimp Procedures
(using FT1380-200-MXXX Series Die Cages
Step 3:
The color coded collar and crimp adjustment knob above the pusher is designed to easily adjust to the Aeroquip and Weath-
erhead core products to determine the crimp diameter for each combination of hose, fitting, and die cage (See below). Simply
turn the collar to the correct color to match the lay line on the hose, adjust the ring so that the correct size dot aligns with the
correct size line on the collar and the machine is set for the correct crimp. Load the correct crimp die based on the crimp die
chart attached to the machine, and the machine is ready to crimp.
The micrometer section can be used to crimp other products not captured on the 3 primary collar settings, based on crimp
target settings available in PowerSource.
GH781 / H280
Standard machine comes
with GH781/H280 settings
built in for use with TTC/Z
fittings in sizes -4 through
GH493 / H430
Standard machine comes
with GH493/H430 set-
tings built in for use with
TTC12/4S fittings in sizes -6
through -10, and 4S fittings
in sizes -12 and -16.
Micrometer Dial
The micrometer section can
be used to crimp other
products not captured on
the 3 primary collar settings,
based on crimp target set-
tings available in Power-
GH681 / H180
Standard machine comes
with GH681/H180 settings
built in for use with TTC/Z fit
tings in sizes -4 through -20.
-12 size setting shown
-8 size setting shown
-16 size setting shown