Model 70160
Before reassembling the pump, replace all worn and
damaged parts, assemblies, seals and o-rings. Lubricate the
seals and o-rings with petroleum jelly to help retain them
during reassembly and to provide lubrication to the input and
control shaft seals. Lubricate all finished part surfaces freely
with clean hydraulic fluid to help provide start up lubrication
between all rotating parts.
To reassemble the swashplate
assembly into the pump housing,
tilt the swashplate slightly and
install the control side of the
swashplate through the previously
noted or marked side of the
housing assembly (see Figure 36).
With the swashplate installed,
lubricate the tapered bearing on the
non-control arm side of the
swashplate (see Figure 37).
Lubricate and install the o-ring
seal into counter-bore of housing
(see Figure 37).
Install the trunnion cover over
bearing and onto pump housing.
Install the three cap screws and
torque to 39,3 Nm [29 ft. lbs.] (see
Figure 38).
Lubricate and install the
control arm shaft seal into the
control arm cover plate. Install with the lip of the seal facing
upward or to the inside of the pump (see Figure 39).
If the housing, trunnion covers or swashplate assembly
have not been replaced, the existing crush ring may be re-
used. If you have replaced anyone of the above a shim kit must
replace the crush ring. See Parts Information manual for
Place the bearing cup into trunnion cover over the crush
ring or shims (see Figure 40).
Lubricate and install the o-ring
seal into counter-bore of housing
(see Figure 41).
10 Install the trunnion cover over
the control shaft and into the pump
housing. Install the three retaining
cap screws and torque to 39,3 Nm
[29 ft. lbs.] (see Figure 42).
11 Using your fingers, tilt the
swashplate back and forth to check
the trunnion bearing preload.
Proper preload is achieved when
the swashplate has a very slight
tilting resistance. The swashplate
must not have any or very little side
12 Reassemble the input shaft
assembly by installing the thrust
washer, thrust bearing, second
thrust washer, retaining ring,
washer and shaft seal (see Figure
Note: The lip of the shaft seal must
point toward the center of the input
13 Install the input shaft
assembly into the housing
assembly. Push the shaft seal in
just far enough so you can start the
shaft seal retaining ring.
14 Use a pair of snap ring pliers
to install retaining snap ring into
the housing assembly (see Figure
15 Use a seal driver or similar
tool to press or drive the snap ring
and seal into the housing assembly
(see Figure 45).
CAUTION! Press or drive inward
until the snap ring snaps into the
snap ring groove located in the
pump housing assembly.
16 The thrust plate is reversible.
Either side will fit into the
Figure 38
Figure 42
Figure 43
Figure 44
Figure 45
Repair Information
- Reassembly
Figure 36
Figure 37
Figure 39
Figure 40
Figure 41
Figure 46