Mobile Option Assembly
Note: If this is an option added after the initial purchase,
you must remove the existing front assembly before
28 .The Mobile option consists of two drive wheel
assemblies, a “T” style front weldment, barrel nuts and
bolts. You will need a 5mm allen wrench and a rubber
hammer for assembly.
29 . Set the Bantam on its back and attach the “T”
weldment to the frame. Note that the front curves
30 . Line up holes and place the coved nuts on the
bottom of the frame. You may have to tap them with
a rubber hammer to make them flush. Tighten bolts
Controller Usage
Supine Mode
Caution: A properly fitted and adjusted headrest MUST
be used with the supine option.
The Bantam with Supine Option functions both as a sit-
to-stand stander and a supine stander. It may be safely
switched between modes at will, without
removing the user from the stander.
If your unit is equipped with a swing-away front it will
need to be swung out of the way to reach a full supine
46 . Moving the shift knob to Supine position locks the
footrest carrier, seat, and backrest to each other, and
will maintain that relationship throughout the
possible range of elevation. The now-locked platform
may be raised and lowered as necessary by means
of the hydraulic pump or Pow’r Up option, however
47 . While accommodating the patient in the Supine
mode in less than a fully extended position, it must be
noted that the overall range of elevation will be
decreased by the inverse amount. That is to say, the
footrest carrier will never be allowed to move rearward
PAST perpendicular to the floor. For Example - If the
Supine mode is locked at a position in which the tibia is
flexed 20 degrees to the femur, the locked supine
platform may not be elevated past a point in which the
seat is 20 degrees less than vertical and the footrest
carrier perpendicular to the floor. Damage to the unit
may result if you attempt to exceed these mechanical
Caution: The locking mechanisms used in the supine
option have very high holding power. By familiarity of
the feel of the hydraulic pump or the sound of the elec-
tric actuator under load in the Pow’r Up option, depend-
ing on how the unit is equipped, the operator may be
easily aware of the mechanical limits being reached with
the supine option. If too great a load is placed on these
mechanical locks, damage may result in either the locks
or in the frame of the stander. Your warranty does not
cover damage from misuse of the product.
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