NOTE: The EasySplicer mk2 is a rugged field instrument designed to withstand field
environment. However, to ensure best performance, it is important to keep maintenance as
described later in this manual.
Quick Start!
Turn on the EasySplicer mk2
If available, connect the splicer to a power source.
- The splicer will also start automatically if the power-supply is connected. Simply press
any button to leave charging-mode.
Make sure that that unit is properly charged if operated by the internal battery-pack.
Charge the unit at least 6-8 hours before using it the first time.
- Turn on the EasySplicer mk2 by pressing down the “ON”-button (large button
below the display).
The splicer starts in “ready-mode” after a few seconds.
Before beginning to splice it is important to verify that the electrodes are in good
(operational) condition. The electrodes are quite easily oxidized due to
environmental conditions (like dirt in the air and/or moisture). The splicer has
probably been stored for a while and lately in transport.
Such oxide can be cleaned (burned off) by using the “CLEAN ELECTRODES”
function (see also page 21).
Start with a Calibration!
Begin all work with a “Calibrate”. This is needed to adapt the splicer to its present
environment (adapt to temperature, moisture etc.).
Singlemode or Multimode
It´s very important to setup the correct fiber-type in the splicer before doing the
calibration. For ex. Select Singlemode fiber in the “Menu” if You are using a
Singlemode fiber.
- Press the “Menu-button”. Step with the “down-arrow” to “SETUP” and select it by
pressing the large button (SELECT).
- Step with the “down-arrow” to “FIBER TYPE” and select it.
- Chose SINGLEMODE, MULTIMODE or OM1 fiber-type.