Gently slide the fiber holders back and forth in the v-groove quite many times.
You can see how it’s done at:
The fiber ends are so sharp that they will cut the v-groove clean from any dirt which might
have fallen into it.
Most likely You will see some very small items (dirt) which will attach to the fiber during this
procedure (see dirt on the fiber ends in the picture below).
After finishing don´t use these fiber ends for splicing (as they are worn down).
- Strip, clean, cleave new fibers when ready.
Apart from the method above You can also clean the V-groove with a cotton bud with
alcohol/isopropyl. A combination of both methods should be used. First use alcohol to
loosen up the dirt and then scrape the v-groove with a newly cleaved fiber.
Cleaning the electrodes
The electrodes of the splicer are sensitive and can get a bit oxidized due to moisture, dirt
etc. in the air.
Therefor we recommend that the user always clean the electrodes before starting a new
work (before performing a Calibrate). The function is found in the Menu-system; CLEAN
ELECTRODES, and it can be run some 2-4 times if the electrodes are very dirty.
The EasySplicer will also, every 10
splice, ask the user to clean the electrodes. This is
suggested only as a precaution but running the CLEAN ELECTRODES function will keep
the splicer fresh and free from problems.