Revised: 2018-02-19
ER5 Original user manual (en)
Version A04
EasyRobotics ApS
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EasyRobotics Aps
Mommarkvej 5, 6400 Sønderborg
Denmark, [email protected]
Introduction/Intended Use
ER5 is designed for easy transport of a fully installed UR3 or UR5 robot from Universal Robots A/S. It is intended for
use in confined spaces and to move a robot between different processing machines.
Safety Notice
Since ER5 is not bolted to the floor or other surroundings, pay special attention in order to avoid the ER5 from
tipping over or moving by itself. When setting up a new task, be especially aware of the combination of payload,
reaching distance and speed. Always make sure, that the ER5 will stay in place without moving or tipping over.
Information contained herein is the property of EasyRobotics ApS and shall not be reproduced in whole or in part
without prior written approval of EasyRobotics ApS. The information herein is subject to change without notice and
should not be construed as a commitment by EasyRobotics ApS. This manual is periodically reviewed and revised.
EasyRobotics ApS assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions in this document.
Patent pending and registered design.