Check online monitors:
> > D e b u g S t a t e < <
0 - #
R e d i a l
1 - #
To o l s
1 . I n s t a l l e r S e t u p
2 . S e t u p
3 . C a r d M e m o r y
4 . O n l i n e M o n i t o r s
[ - - ] ~ [ - - ]
Pres NO.
4 . O n l i n e M o n i t o r s
2 - #
E x i t s
to select
5 . O n l i n e D e v i c e s
6 . V o l t a g e M e a s u r e
(Search Range)
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# Save
In Debug State, press '1 #'
Press '4' key
Input 2 digits
monitor code
4 # . O n l i n e M o n i t o r s
Search Range: input the monitor adress. For example,
input the range from 01 to 05. You will see the connection
status of the selected moinitors.
[ 01 ] Online
[ 02 ] Online
[ 03 ] Online
[ 04 ] Fall
[ 05 ] Online
* Back
# Save
13. Namelist function:
on the screen and customer can do the calling operation through the digital keypad guided by
Namelist on the screen. 2 types of namelist can be shown on the screen : DT-Config namelist
and Simulate namelist.
Enter namelist page:
Press '9#' in standby mode to display the user namelist. Press"#" key to scroll next/last page.
and use key 1 to 8 key on each page to call the flat you want.Please refer to the DT-Config
softwre user instructions for configure the namelist.
Send namelist to monitors
The namelist can be sent to monitors by door station directly.Connect the door station and
montiors correctly to the system.Then press # 8012 in standby mode ,and input password
(66666666 by default) to send namelist to all the monitors.
is designed to have digital keypad and big TFT screen. Its namelist was shown