Setting the sensitivity level of V OX
Adjusting the radio's VOX sensitivity level help minimize the
ntended noise trigger a t ransmission, and help t he radio pick up
soft voice.
a . P ress '
' 4 times until VOX icon disp lay.
b .Press '
' or '
' to selec t sen sitiv ity lev el.
1= low(
For qu iet en vironment )
For most environment )
For noise environment ) 0=OFF
Lock the keypad.
To avo id acciden tally chan ge user's settin g, p ress and ho ld '
' key until
Lock-k ey icon d isplay on L CD, the time, use r can
the rad io on or off,
rece iv e, transmit, send a call
and mo nitor the chann el, all other function
are locked.
ton e,
To u nlock the ra dio, press an d hold '
' key u ntil Lock-k ey icon is no lo nger
Monitor a channel.
With the radio on, press and hold the '
' key, then the radio can
current channel, release the key stop to monitor.
Scanning Channels
Use scan ning to mon ito r channels and C TCS S cod es for transmission or to
find some one who h as a ccide nt ally chan ged channels.
To start scanning, briefly press and release '
', the scan indicator icon
c.P ress 'Menu' or 'PTT' to save the new call tone.
b.P res s '
' or '
'to c hange and can heard the changed call tone.
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