Press and hol d the
Key until turn on the radio and
t one
released, t he display briefly shows all feature
on the LCD, then
the display scroll t hrough the available channel and Inter ference
El iminator Code
a beep
b. Turn the radio off.
With the radio on, press and hold the '
Key unt il turn off the
radio and a beep tone released, the display t urn off al so.
Setti ng Interf er en ce Elim in at or Cod e( CTCSS)
a.P res s
tw o times unt il the
code st arts to flash.
' or '
to select the code
c.Press 'PTT' to save the setting.
Setting call tone
The radi o can transmit 5 t ypes call tone to o ther radio, so user ca n al ert
others that he want to talk.
To set a c all tone
a.With the radio on, press '
3 times, the current call tone setting
flash and 'CR' display.
Setting the channel
a. With radi o on, press '
key one time, the current
channel fl ash.
b. P res s'
or '
t o set the channel .
c. Press 'PTT' to confirm the setting.
Turning the radio on and off
a. Turn the radio on.
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