Eastman Heavy Machinery
Do not place ladders or scaffolds in the platform or against any part of this machine.
Do not modify or alter an aerial work platform. Mounting attachments for holding tools or other
materials onto the platform, toe boards or guard rail system can increase the weight in the platform and
the surface area of the platform or the load.
Do not replace items critical to machine stability with items of different weights or specifications.
Do not use the machine on a moving or mobile surface or vehicle.
Be sure all tires are in good condition, castle nuts are properly tightened and cotter pins are properly
Do not use batteries that weigh less than the original equipment. Batteries are used as counterweight and are
critical to machine stability. Each battery must weigh 65 pounds / 30 kg.
Do not use the machine as a crane.
Do not push the machine or other objects with the platform.
Do not contact adjacent structures with the platform.
Do not tie the platform to adjacent structures.
Do not place loads outside the platform perimeter.
Do not operate the machine with the chassis trays open.
Do not use the platform controls to free a platform that is caught, snagged or otherwise prevented from
normal motion by an adjacent structure. All personnel must be removed from the platform before
attempting to free the platform using the ground controls.
Fall Hazards
Occupants should wear a safety belt or harness and comply with applicable governmental
regulations. Attach the lanyard to the anchor provided in the platform.
Do not sit, stand or climb on the platform guard rails. Maintain a firm footing on the platform floor at
all time.