Advanced Flame 1.0 Kit
November 2013, Rev 1
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Advanced Flame 1.0
Surface Mount (SMT) Component Soldering Instructions
One of the first things you’ll notice with your electronics kit is that many of the included
components are surface mount components. These components do not have conventional
leads, as is the case with thru-hole components, and instead solder directly to pads
located either on the top or bottom of the PCB board.
One of the first things to remember when soldering surface mount (SMT) components to
the board is that patience is a must! The first step when soldering a SMT component to
the board, after properly identifying both the component and the location where it will be
installed on the PCB board, is to slightly “tin” one of the pads on the PCB board that will
connect to the component. This is accomplished by simply applying a very small amount
of solder directly to the pad with the soldering iron as shown below.
The next step is to pick up and hold the component in place on its tinned pad using
tweezers. While holding the component in place with tweezers, briefly re-heat the solder
with the soldering iron so that it flows onto the component solder tab and forms a nicely
shaped solder fillet. For the remaining solder tabs on the same component, briefly heat
up the component tab using the soldering iron and apply a small amount of solder directly
to the pad, again creating a nicely shaped solder fillet. It is important to note that when
reheating the solder, the soldering iron tip should contact the solder tab of the body of the
component and not the solder directly. This will allow the solder to flow as efficiently as
possible and form a proper solder fillet.