Advanced Flame 1.0 Kit
November 2013, Rev 1
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Advanced Flame 1.0
Notice to Beginners: If you are a first time kit builder, you may find this instruction
manual easier to understand than expected. Each component in this kit has an individual
check box, while a detailed description of each component is provided as well. If you
follow each step in the instruction manual in order, and practice good soldering and kit
building skills, the kit is next to fail-safe.
Please read this manual in its entirety before building, testing, or operating your kit!
Circuit Description
The Advanced Flame 1.0 utilizes a PIC12F683 microcontroller, U2, which produces a
randomized output pulse width modulation (PWM) signal which is used to drive a high
current MOSFET transistor, Q1, to power a CREE Piranha series LED, D1. The output
PWM signal of the PIC12F683 drives the gate of MOSFET transistor, Q1, which when
turned ON, allows current to conduct through the LED, D1, and causes it to illuminate.
The D2 location is provided for the user for T-1 and T-1 ¾ style LEDs as an alternate
LED. (Note: If an LED is used at the D2 location, the D1 LED must be removed.) U1 is
a 5V linear voltage regulator which provides a regulated 5VDC for the PIC12F683