2. Turn off the maintenance bypass switch and fix the protection cover, and then the
load is powered through bypass. The rectifier starts followed by the inverter.
3. After 60S, the system transfers to Normal mode.
The system will stay on bypass mode until the cover of maintenance bypass breaker is fixed.
5.3 Battery Maintenance
If the battery is not discharged for a long time, it is necessary to test the condition of
the battery.
Enter the menu “maintain”
as is shown in Fig.5-2 and select the icon “Bat Test 2”
the system transfers into the Battery mode for discharging. The system will discharge
the batteries until the alarm of “Battery low voltage” is given. Users can stop the
discharging by the “Stop Bat Test” icon.
With the icon of “Bat Test 1”, batteries will be discharged for about 30 seconds, and
then re-transfer to normal mode.
Fig.5-2 Battery maintenance
5.4 EPO
The EPO button located on the home page (see Fig.5-3) is designed to switch off the
UPS in emergency conditions (e.g., fire, flood, etc.).To achieve this, just press the
button, and the system will turn off the rectifier, inverter and stop powering the
load immediately (including the inverter and bypass output), and the battery stops
charging or discharging.
If the input utility is present, the UPS control circuit will remain active; however, the
output will be turned off. To completely isolate the UPS, users need to open the
external mains input supply to the UPS
When the EPO is triggered, the load is not powered by the UPS. Be careful to use the EPO