Table 4-9 Description of output interface
Display item
Voltage (V)
AC output phase voltage.
Current (A)
AC output phase current.
Frequency (Hz)
AC output frequency.
Load ratio (%)
Load rate of each phase of the machine, i.e. the ratio of actual power to
rated power.
Active power (kW)
Output active power of each phase of the UPS unit
Appa. pow. (kVA)
Output apparent power of each phase of the UPS unit
Reactive power(kVA)
Output reactive power of each phase of the UPS unit
Output power factor of each phase of the UPS unit
The interface of other menu is shown in Fig. 4-8, and the interface description is
shown in Table 4-10.
Fig. 4-8 Other interface
Table 4-10 Description of other interface
Display item
PFC temperature
Rectifier temperature
INV temperature
Inverter temperature
Environmental temperature(optional battery temperature sensor,
display "NA" if not connected)
The interface of statistics menu is shown in Fig. 4-9, and the interface description is
shown in Table 4-11.