IMPORTANT NOTICE - Please Read This:
Use of the LevelPad™ - The DP25/C SnareMic™ and DP30/C TomMic™ mi-
crophones have a high output level, which may overload the preamps of some
mixers or consoles. Many outboard microphone preamplifiers and preamplifi-
ers in mixing consoles will handle as much as +24dbv at the microphone input,
without distortion. We suggest that you check the “maximum preamp input
level” specifications of your mixer or preamplifier to see if it will accommo-
date signal levels this high. Some mixers and preamps will not handle this high
level at the microphone input. To avoid overload, please use a LevelPad™ in
the microphone cable feeding each Drum Periscope Microphones.
Some mixer or outboard preamplifiers have a pad that can be switched in or out.
However, some of these pads are not attenuators that precede the preamplifier in-
put, instead they only reduce the gain of the preamplifier. These (so called) pads
will provide no input overload protection from high level microphone signals
(see Fig. 1-A). In contrast, other outboard or mixer preamplifiers have actual pads
that precede the preamplifier. These types of pads will provide the input overload
protection that is needed (see Fig. 1-B). Such pads will typically provide –10dB
or –20dB attenuation. However, due to the very high output level of the Drum
Periscope™ microphones, -10 dB or even –20dB may not be enough attenuation
when close miking snares or toms with Drum Periscope™ Microphones.
In any case where the pad does not precede the preamplifier, or the pad does
not provide enough attenuation, the Earthworks LP1530 LevelPad™ can be
used and will provide either –15dB or –30dB of attenuation. The LevelPad™
comes housed in a stainless steel tube with gold-plated XLR connectors on
each end. As the LevelPad™ is inserted in the mic line, it will always precede
the preamplifier input. It makes no difference if the LevelPad™ is inserted at
the microphone, or somewhere in the middle of the mic line, or by plugging
Figure 1-A and 1-B Preamp Input Pads