10 Shift
Giving the other keys an alternate meaning. When
combined with alphabetic keys, the Shift key causes
the system to output a capital letter. The Shift key
can also be combined with other keys to produce
program-dependent results.
11 Space
To enter the space between words during
Cursor Movement
12 Cursor Keys
The keys that move the pointer, or cursor, on screen.
They include the up, down, left and right arrow, home
, end, PgUp and PgDn keys.
Combining the Other Key to Execute Function
13 Ctrl (Control)
Ctrl is a key commonly used to refer to a keyboard shortcut
key such as:
Ctrl + Alt + Del
14 Alt (Alternate)
Alt is a key generally located by the space bar on keyboards.
This term may be used to describe a key combination such as:
Ctrl + Alt + Del
The above combination means press and hold on the
keyboard CTRL and ALT and DEL to perform the function,
in this case reboot the computer or open the close program
window / task manager window.
Num Lk
Number Lock
Turning the Num Lock on will allow you to use the numbers
on the keypad.
Scr Lk (Scroll Lock)
The scroll lock key is intended to temporarily stop the
scrolling of text or halt the operation of a program.
The commands can only be accessed by first pressing
and holding the Fn key while pressing a key with
a icon.
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