PCI 730 & PC104P-30 User Manual
Eagle Technology - Data Acquisition
Digital Inputs/Outputs
The PCI730 has got 3 digital ports. The EDRE API supports auto direction configuration. By
writing to or reading from a port, it is automatically configured as an output or input. A port is
defined as a collection of simultaneous configurable entities. Thus in the case of the PCI730
each port is only 8-bit wide.
Reading the Digital Inputs
A single call is necessary to read a digital I/O port.
Long EDRE_DioRead(ulng Sn, ulng Port, ulng *Value)
The serial number, port, and a pointer to variable to hold the result must be passed by the
calling function. A return code will indicate if any errors occurred.
Long EDREDioX.Read(long Port)
Only the port-number needs to be passed and the returned value will either hold an error or
the value read. If the value is negative an error did occur.
Writing to the Digital Outputs
A single call is necessary to write to a digital I/O port.
Long EDRE_DioWrite(ulng Sn, ulng Port, ulng Value)
The serial number, port, and a value must be passed by the calling function. A return code will
indicate if any errors occurred.
Long EDREDioX.Write(long Por, ulng Value)
The port number and value to be written needs to be passed and the returned value holds an
error or the value read. If the value is negative an error did occur.
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