® 16k CL
UM 16kCL – REVC – 11/14
e2v semiconductors SAS 2014
Acquisition Control
This section deals with all the Exposure, Line period and synchronisation modes
Synchronisation Mode
) : Timed or Triggered, it defines how the grabbing is synchronized. This command is
available in the CommCam “Acquisition Control” section :
Read function : “r sync”;
Returned by the camera :
“0” : Internal Line Trigger with Exposure time Internally Controlled (Free Run). “1” : External Trigger with
Exposure Time Internally Controlled
“2” : External Trigger with maximum Exposure time
“3” : One External with Exposure Time Externally Controlled. The same Trigger signal defines the line
period and its low level defines the exposure time.
“4” : Two External Triggers with Exposure Time Externally Controlled : CC2 defines the start of the
exposure (and also the start Line) and CC1 defines the Stop of the exposure.
“5” : Internal Line Trigger with maximum Exposure Time
Write function : “w sync” <value>
The Timing diagrams associated to each Synchronization mode and the Timing values associated are
detailed in the APPENDIX B of this document.
Exposure time (
): Defines the exposure time when set in the Camera. This command is available in the
CommCam “Acquisition Control” section :
Read function : “r tint”;
Returned by the camera : Integer from 15 to 65535 (=1,5µs to 6553,5µs by step o 0,1µs)
Write function : “w tint” <value> ;
This value of exposure time is taken in account only when the synchronisation mode is “free run” (0) or “Ext Trig with
Exposure time set” (1). Otherwise it’s ignored.
Due to the limitation of the timing pixel inside the sensor, the Exposure time has to be set by taking in
account the limitation detailed in the APPENDIX B of this document.
The Minimum exposure time which can be set is : 1,5µs
Line Period
) : Defines the Line Period of the Camera in Timed mode. This command is available in the
CommCam “Acquisition Control” section :
Read function : “r tper”;
Returned by the camera : Integer from 1 to 65536 (=0,1µs to 6553,6µs by step o 100ns)
Write function : “w tper” <value> ;
The line period is active only in Free Run modes. It’s also disabled if in this mode, the Integration time is set higher
than the Line Period.
Minimum Line Period
Medium modes (4 Taps) : 50µs
Full Mode (8 Taps) : 25µs
Full+ Mode (10 Taps) : 20µs