© e2v technologies (uk) limited 2014
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A1A-100026 Version 9, page 8
All pulse low levels should be within range 0 ± 0.5 V, except read-out register clocks about +1 V higher.
Devices can be operated with the substrate at either low (0V) or higher (9V) values. Low substrate is particularly
recommended for deep-depletion variants, since it maximizes the depletion depth for best Point Spread Function. High
substrate minimises the dark current.
Non-charge-dumping level is shown. For charge dumping DG should be pulsed to within 12 ± 2 V.
OG1 is typically set to 3 V. Then, for operation in the high responsivity, low noise mode 1, OG2 should be set 1 V higher at
typically 4 V. For operation in the low responsivity, increased charge handling mode 2, OG2 should be set to +20 V.
Do not connect to voltage supply but use a 3 - 5 mA current source or a 5 - 10 k
external load connected to 0 V. The
quiescent voltage on OS is then typically within a range 6 - 8 V above the RD voltage. The maximum current is 10 mA.
U309 data: VGD and VGS absolute maximum = -25V.
These connections are for an optional temperature sensor; consult factory for availability.
PIN CONNECTIONS (View facing underside of package)