Getting Started - 11
The AudioDock Front Panel Indicators
The MIDI Input
These two indicators, labelled 1 & 2, show MIDI input on the two sets of MIDI jacks.
The Clock Source
The Clock Source LEDs indicate the source of the master clock that is currently driving the E-MU 1010.
Lock - Indicates that the system is locked to a valid internal or external clock.
- External - Indicates that an external clock source is selected.
When the system is running from an external or digital clock source, the AudioDock continually checks that the
incoming clock source is valid. If the clock source changes or becomes invalid in any way, the LCK LED will flicker
or will not be lit. If sync has been lost, the system will switch to internal clock at the default sample rate of 48kHz
until the error condition is resolved and sync is re-established.
The Sample Rate
The Sample Rate LEDs indicate the current sample rate at which the system is running. The LEDs will light solidly
to indicate the different sample rates of 44.1kHz, 48kHz, 96kHz or 192kHz. These LED states apply to internal,
external and digital sync.
When changing the clock source settings from the Session Window, the AudioDock will check for the presence
of external clock signals and set its front panel LEDs accordingly. If the external signals requested are not present,
the clock source will remain set to Internal.
The SMPTE LEDs indicate whether or not SMPTE Time Code is being transmitted or received from the Sync card
(if installed). Depending on the mode of operation, one or both LEDs may be lit.