The E-Mon D-Mon Class 3200 meter provides extreme flexibility by allowing additional
sets of current sensors to be used in parallel so multiple load locations can be
monitored by one meter. This feature allows a totalized display readout from two or
more load circuits.
You may use parallel sensors to monitor specific breakers from one panel, specific
breakers from more than one panel, two or more complete panels, etc.
When paralleling current sensors, the following rules must be followed for accurate
1. Current sensors must be installed in complete sets of three, with a maximum of
three sensors installed in parallel per phase.
2. All sensors used in parallel must be of the same amperage rating (all 100-amp,
all 400-amp, etc.) The rating is determined by the current rating of the meter. For
example, a 200-amp meter must use extra sets of 200-amp current sensors.
3. All locations being monitored must have the same power source. A 480-volt
meter cannot monitor a 208-volt load, nor can a meter monitor two-480 volt loads
if they are from different originating power sources or from different transformers.
4. Multiply the meter display readings by the number of sets of current sensors
installed. Example: Meter readings of 5 kWh with 2 sets of current sensors - 10
kWh is the actual usage. (5 x 2=10.)