E-flite P-38/F-5E Lightning Assembly Manual
Center of Gravity
An important part of preparing the aircraft for flight is properly
balancing the model.
Caution: Do not inadvertently skip this step!
The recommended Center of Gravity (CG) range is 3/16 in (5mm)
forward of the rear panel line to 3/16 in (5mm) forward of the
front panel line for a range of 3/8 in (10mm).
Place or lift the airplane so it is supported between the marks
made in the previous step. The plane will rest level when balanced
correctly. If not, move the motor battery forward or backward, or
add a small amount of weight to the nose or tail, to correct any
balancing problems.
Control Throws
1. Turn on the transmitter and receiver of your aircraft.
Check the movement of the rudder using the transmitter.
When the stick is moved right, the rudder should also
move right. Reverse the direction of the servo at the
transmitter if necessary.
2. Check the movement of the ailerons using the
transmitter. When the stick is moved right, the right
aileron will move up and the left aileron will move
down. Reverse the direction of the servo at the transmitter
if necessary.
3. Check the movement of the elevator with the radio
system. Moving the elevator stick down will make the
airplane elevator move up.
4. Use a throw gauge to adjust the throw of the elevator,
ailerons and rudder. Adjust the position of the pushrod
at the control horn, or the travel/endpoint adjustments
of your computer transmitter, to achieve the following
measurements when moving the sticks to their endpoints.
5/8” (16mm) Up/Down
1/2" (13mm) Up/Down
Rudders (Optional)
1/2" (13mm) Left/Right
These are general guidelines measured from our own flight tests
and serve as a good starting point. You can experiment with lower
or higher rates to match your preferred style of flying.