selected. To receive a Directed Group call, the group of the call may
need to be selected or scanned. A Unique ID call is indicated by a
“ringing” tone similar to telephone calls, and a Directed Group call
is indicated by the caller’s voice the same as with standard group
The transceiver may be programmed so that responses always
occur on the last selected group. In this case, the group may need to
be manually changed to respond to these calls (see “Transmitting In
The Scan Mode” on page 39). Unique ID and Directed Group calls
can also be placed from a landside telephone. The same numbers are
dialed as when the call is mobile originated. Contact your system
operator for more information.
Option Switches
All five option switches on the front panel are programmable
by your system operator. The available option switch functions are
indicated by an entry in the “Option Switch” column of the table on
the next page. More information on each function can be found on
the page indicated in this table. Some functions may be controlled
by both the menu mode and an option switch. The function
controlled by each switch may be indicated on the switch key cap.
Some switches may not be used or may have a blank key cap.
Menu Mode Introduction
The menu mode is selected by pressing the Menu option switch
(the label may vary) or the FCN switch twice. If neither of these
switches is programmed, the menu mode is not available. Functions
which can be controlled by the menu mode are indicated by an entry
in the “Menu Items” column of the preceding table. More informa-
tion on each function can be found on the page indicated in this