A feature of this collar that often comes in handy when you are outside
with your dog at night is the light. You can push the on/off button on the
back of the transmitter and turn on a light on the receiver. It will cycle
through strobe, continuous, and off depending on how many times you
push the button.
You are using a top of the line product when it comes to remote training
with your dogs. As you can see in the owner’s manual for the Ecollar
Technologies 302TS collar, there are a lot of ways this collar can be used.
In this write up, I have described the settings that Paws and Possibilities
recommends for the most efficient training of your dog.
The LCD Display is
critical on a 2 dog unit
to give you the
information you need
to know. Below is an
copy of the user’s
manual. Familiarize
yourself with the
bulleted sections
describing “In 1D
mode…” and “In 2D