FORD MUSTANG 2010-2014
already weak to the point of failure. If in doubt, have the battery load tested. Most auto parts stores will do
this for free.
21. I'm hearing low level static noise coming from my speakers.
Does the car have the Shaker Amplifier? If so, install the amplifier integration harness. This switches the audio
outputs from the speaker level connections to the much lower level RCA connections that are appropriate for
the Shaker Amplifier.
There is also a setting in the “Audio” menu called "Factory Amplifier" that can be activated and adjusted to
further fine tune the output of the head unit to match the factory amp. If the overall system volume seems
too high and the adjustments to output level too abrupt, turn the factory amplifier level setting down.
22. The time is not displaying or is displaying incorrectly.
The Dynavin radio gets its time data from the GPS antenna so a clear line of sight to the sky is required for
good reception. Therefore, the time may be slow to display in places with weak or obstructed reception such
as in garages, inside buildings, etc. In the “System” menu there is a time zone setting. It is in hours offset from
GMT. Depending on your location and Daylight Savings the continental United States falls between -4 and -8.
I press the “NAV” button and nothing happens.
Insert the included iGO Primo navigation microSD card into
the “NAV” card slot on the front lower panel of the
Dynavin radio.
24. The NAV program starts but it is not getting GPS reception.
When GPS reception is too weak to get a lock, a satellite icon will be displayed in the corner of the map view
screen. Touch it and it will bring up a signal strength graph. This graph can be used to determine if the signal is
simply weak (indicating that the GPS antenna should be installed in a better location) OR non-existent
(indicating an unplugged or damaged/defective GPS antenna).
25. When my phone is connected via Bluetooth I can hear callers, but they cannot hear me.
Ensure that the microphone is fully plugged into the back of the Dynavin radio. Delete the pairing from the
phone and radio and re-pair. Make sure nothing is in between the microphone and you. Somewhere in front
of you is best. If the issue is still present, you may need to replace the microphone.
My phone won’t connect/pair via Bluetooth to the
The first step in resolving phone-related issues is to reboot the phone (this varies by phone model
you need
to do a hardware reboot, not a "turn off", "reset", or "restore".) The correct reboot will NOT reset the phone
to factory settings.
If that does not resolve the issue the best thing to do is to start over with a clean slate.
In the phone's Bluetooth menu, delete or “
orget” the device pairing if present.
In the Dynavin
Bluetooth menu (Phone menu > Setup), delete any phones paired by tapping the X next to the phone name
and then tap the "Bluetooth Reset" option. Reboot the phone and reboot the Dynavin radio by holding down
the MENU button for 10 seconds or until it shuts off. Once it has rebooted, pair as usual.
The pairing code is 1234.