Dynamix DW-01Plus/H Gateway User Manual
- 78 -
usr/config$ sysconf
System information and configuration
sysconf [-print][-idtime digit][-forwardtime digit][-keypad used]
[-prefixsw used][-prefixdisab used][-usrdefprefix digits]
[-codec used][-reverse used][-localrbt used][-roundtrip used]
[-gwprefix used][-eod used]
-print Display system overall information and configuration.
-idtime Inter-Digits time (1~10 sec).
-forwardtime Forward time for FXS line if no answer (5~65535 sec).
-keypad Select DTMF type: 0=In-band, 1=H.245 Alphanumeric,
2=H.245 SignalType, 3=Q.931 UserInfo, 4=RFC2833.
-prefixsw User defined local zone prefix switch (0=OFF, 1=ON).
-prefixdisab Local zone prefix disable character (one character
from 0~9, *, or NONE('-' key)).
-usrdefprefix User defined local zone prefix (0 ~ 20 digits).
-codec Codec select method (0=Caller, 1=Master).
-reverse Reverse.(0=Disable, 1=Enable).
-callerid caller ID.(0=Disable, 1=Enable).
-localrbt Local ring back tone (0=Disable, 1=Enable).
-roundtrip Disconnect no connect in line busy.(0=Disable, 1=Enable).
-gwprefix Drop gateway prefix when call from IP (0=Keep, 1=Drop).
-eod End of dial (0=Disable, 1=Enable).
-dPSTN FXS dial *# and change to PSTN side(0=Disable,1=Enable).
Example: sysconf -idtime 5
Parameter Usages:
Print current sysconf settings.
Set the duration (in second) of two pressed digits in dial mode as timed
out. If after the duration user hasn
t pressed next number, it will dial out all
number pressed (1-10 seconds).
Set forward time (5-65535 seconds) for FXS Line. If call hasn
answered the call in this time, call will be forward to assigned number in [line]
command. (Please refer to [line]
command for forward setting.)
Select DTMF replay type (0=In-band, 1=H.245 Alphanumeric, 2=H.245
SignalType, 3=Q.931 UserInfo, 4=RFC2833), Users can adjust the value
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